Saturday, December 28, 2019

Ethical Decision Making And Ethical Decisions - 1317 Words

In today’s modern world managers from all companies have to take into account the works of ethical decision making, ethical decision making is an idea that will dramatically help any manager that takes this issue seriously. In the standpoint of the internal customer, ethical behavior improves the actual atmosphere at the job and helps motivate the actual employees, sets an example to the actual employees, and evokes a feeling of pride with the company and improves it is image within the eyes with the employees. From the standpoint of outer customer, ethical behavior improves the image of the company and enhances the overall progress of honourable behavior within the organization. Ethical behavior demands an atmosphere where it can be performed. Furthermore, it necessitates a knowledge about basic fundamentals of honourable behaviour. Eventually it contributes to cultural and behavioral enrichment amid internal staff with the organization. An organisation which has recently been called from its illegal decision making is McDonald’s. It has been brought to attention of which McDonald’s incorporates a harmful impact on the atmosphere in a lot more ways than one. Apart from the pollution through factories the place that the food is produced, the unusable waste from the majority of the meals they sell, and the actual massive levels of power and energy that are required to keep the many branches installed and operating, this corporation is ruining natural rainwater forests.Show MoreRelatedEthical Decision Making A Decision On Ethical Decisions1587 Words   |  7 PagesThroughtout this written assignment there will be a discussion on ethical decision making about making a decision on possible ethical consequences that may be placed in your life, and what ethical consequences will be dealt with in the mental health professional field. Decisions could possibility pertain your conduct such as an ethical dilemma that will required a serious decision to be solved by your action as an leader. Even though a leader may not have caused the problem, they do not have a choiceRead MoreEthical Decision Making : Ethical Decisions1496 Words   |  6 PagesFacing Ethical Decisions How does a person determine what is right or wrong when making a decision? Most people faced with an ethical decision usually revert to their personal values that hopefully guide them through the decision-making process. Assessing values and morals are an important role when making ethical decisions and how others view a person after making that decision. â€Å"Once we grasp the underlying concepts of making important decisions, we need to know how to apply them.† (Fisher, 2005)Read MoreEthical Decision Making Ethical Decisions Essay1088 Words   |  5 Pagesbooks and news articles are available online which discuss making ethical decisions and the importance of maintaining a high level of ethical standards in business. Ethical Decisions Sound ethical decisions are extremely important in business communication and the decision making process is greatly affected by ethical standards. There are four general rules any business leader must follow when trying to make ethical decisions. These rules help managers and employees to behave appropriatelyRead MoreEthical Decision Making Ethical Decisions Essay1610 Words   |  7 PagesWhen I think of making ethical decisions, I think of doing what’s right, but what exactly is the right thing and how do we define it? As humans we are all brought up under different circumstances, therefore we tend to distinguish from right and wrong in many different ways, especially at a young age when we first start to understand our moral behavior. This difference between the way we determine what’s right and what’s wrong is what makes it difficult for us humans to have the same understandingRead MoreEthical Decision Making And Ethical Decisions1026 Words   |  5 Pages within a particular organization. Also, it includes critical and ethical decision-making process so as to address various ethical dilemmas experienced by employees while undertaking their respective assigned duties within the company. Ethical dilemmas are hereby to stay as issues usually arise now and then and place a variety of options that bear different repercussions. Therefore, it calls for ethical and critical decision-making skills so as to make the most appropriate option that bears moreRead MoreEthical Decision Making : Ethical Decisions1047 Words   |  5 PagesEthical Decision-Making The first step in the CPA (2000) ethical decision-making model is identification of the individuals and groups potentially affected by the decision. In the ethical scenario I presented earlier, the individuals directly involved and likely to be most affected by the decision include the 54-year old woman and myself as the counsellor. Those who will likely be indirectly affected by the decision would be the woman’s family, including her 20-year old daughter, and the agencyRead MoreEthical Decision Making Ethical Decisions Essay1014 Words   |  5 PagesHaving to make an ethical decision regarding unethical circumstances can be challenging for some. â€Å"Ethical decision-making refers to the process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical principles. In making ethical decisions, it is necessary to perceive and eliminate unethical options and select the best ethical alternative.The process of making ethical decisions requires: commitm ent-the desire to do the right thing regardless of the cost; consciousness-theRead MoreEthical Decision Making Ethical Decisions1533 Words   |  7 Pages When making ethical decisions we as Christians use different sources to help us in deciding how we should respond to a given situation while staying true to our Christian faith and its values. The scholar Richard Hays identified these sources for ethical decision-making into four areas: Scripture, tradition, reason and experience. Neither of these is used in isolation, but work together to help us decide what would be ethically right to lead the â€Å"good life† and proclaim the Kingdom of GodRead MoreEthical And Ethical Decision Making1500 Words   |  6 Pagesmore important than others, ethical decision making is a skill that has become increasingly pivotal. Jones states that a ‘moral issue is present where a person’s action, when freely performed, may harm or benefit others’ and defines ‘an ethical decision is a decision that is both legally and morally acceptable to the larger community’ (1991, p. 387). In order to create a company wide culture of ethics, employees must believe that the organization has a desire to be ethical and see proof of this fromRead Moreethical decision making1211 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Ethical- Decision Making University of the Rockies Mabel Drafton Abstract Countertransference is how therapists distort the way they perceive and react to a client (Corey, Corey, and Callanan, 2011). Therapists are expected to identify and deal with their own reactions with consultation, personal therapy, and supervision that their clients will not be negatively affected by the therapist’s problem. Personal therapy is an effective way for therapists

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Issue of Abortion Essay - 670 Words

The Issue of Abortion People all over the world, especially those in American society, do not take the issue of abortion lightly. Dealing with ethics, religious beliefs and the law, it is one of the most controversial subjects of this time. Abortion poses a moral, social and medical dilemma that forces many individuals to react in very strong and unfortunately, opposing ways. Forty percent of the American people believe that the decision to abort a pregnancy is that of the woman who is pregnant and the state has no right to interfere. These people are known as Pro-Choicers. Another Forty percent of the American people believe that it should be banned except when the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother or is the result of†¦show more content†¦There would be a drastic increase of illegal and unsafe abortions done by inept specialists persuaded by women driven by desperation. Worst of all, it would condemn victims of rape and incest to carry and nurture the offspring of their rapist. Aborti on is necessary for women to have control over their own bodies and life. Since pregnancy involves a womans body, the choice of continuing that pregnancy must be hers alone. Even with this Supreme Court decision, abortion is still considered murder by more than half of all Americans. Pro-lifers believe that human life begins at the moment of conception. A woman has the right to have sex with whoever she chooses, but she should not be able to choose death for her child. This is considered a direct violation of human rights: murder. Pro-lifers argue that abortion is the unnatural end of a pregnancy. That child has a right to life that is equal to the mothers right. Before a child is born, it is given all the necessities to survive. One cannot kill another human being just because it is an inconvenience. Scientific research has successfully shown that abortion causes many psychological side effects. Symptoms such as nightmares, panic attacks and sudden flashbacks are signs of the recen tly discovered Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS). It leaves the woman with many strong feelings about her decision. She may feel sadness,Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Abortion And Abortion Essay1567 Words   |  7 Pages The issue of abortion is a controversial one; there are arguments on both sides of the debate. In 1973 the national case of Roe v. Wade, sparked political decisions that created a national right to abortion. Further, Roe v. Wade declared that unborn children are not `persons nor are they entitled to the same constitutional protection as `born children (Baird, Rosenbaum, 2001). However, Roe v. Wade did not end the debate, nor, did it stop both sides for continuing the fight for their individualRead MoreAbortion Is A Issue Of Abortion1697 Words   |  7 PagesAbortion is a very touchy subject in our society. In the U.S. it is legal to abort a fetus up until the twenty fourth week. An abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth, which results in the death of an embryo or a fetus. Many people consider abortion as cruel as murder. Although some say abortion is in there own hands and is there own decision, others believe that no one but God has the right to take someone else s li fe. People that support abortion do not consider an unborn fetus a personRead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion1411 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the United States each year† (Abortion Overview and History). It is the termination of a human pregnancy, which is often performed during the first twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy. The topic of abortion seems to be a major issue in todays time. There are many people who are for it and many people who are against it. Religion has a lot to do with the side that people take on this issue. Many people see abortion as committing murderRead MoreThe Issue Of Abortion And Abortion876 Words   |  4 PagesAbortion is one of the most debatable and controversial issues that exists in our society. An abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a pregnancy before 24 weeks. People who call themselves Pro-Life feel that it is the government’s responsibility to preserv e all life, regardless of concerns for the pregnant woman’s health, or for the quality of the life of the child. The Pro-Choice argument feels that a woman should have the choice when it comes to what they wish to do with their own reproductiveRead MoreThe Issue Of Abortion And Abortion1115 Words   |  5 Pagesjust give you up and kill you? Approximately 125,000 abortions occur per day. 1.1 million U.S. abortions each year. Nearly 1 in 4 (22%) of pregnancies end in abortion. 50% of women now seeking abortion have had at least one previous abortion. The U.S. abortion rate is among the highest of developed countries. 51% of abortions are performed on women less than 25 years of age. Approximately 1/3 of American women have had an abortion by age 45. Abortion disproportionately affects black and Hispanic womenRead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion Essay777 Words   |  4 Pagestheir whole future is demolished. In today society, the issue of abortion is very controversial i n the United States. Abortion is the ending of the early pregnancy. Many people said that aborting or killing an unwanted child is should be against the law. Everyone has the right to live, whether it’s a fetus, an embryo or just a newly fertilized egg; Abortion is a murder, and it should be illegal because it’s killing a helpless human being. Abortion is one of usual medical procedures performed in the URead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion1455 Words   |  6 Pagesstates could not restrict the right for a woman to have an abortion. Although more than forty years have passed, the controversy surrounding abortion rages on. Many different arguments are used in order to attack or defend abortion. It’s important to look at each of these from as objective of a lens a possible to keep bias, while unavoidable, to a minimum. Essentially each side of this argument boils their points down to be as follows, abortion should be included in a woman’s constitutional right toRead MoreAbortion And The Issue Of Abortion2577 Words   |  11 PagesThe history of abortion in the United States is more complex than most people imagine. Abortion and issues surrounding abortion are involved in intense political and public debate in the United States, law varies from state to state with regards to state legislature of abortio n. Until 1973, the control of abortion, was almost entirely in the hands of the government of the state. (Vile. M. J. C, 1999, P203) The focal legal debate surrounding the issue of abortion is whether a foetus has aRead MoreAbortion And The Issue Of Abortion1946 Words   |  8 Pagesways of looking at the issue of abortion are most easily categorized into five major points, legal precedence, birth control issues, human rights, religion and when life begins. Based on both empirical and moral claims, a wide spectrum of views supporting either more or less legal restriction on abortions has emerged in America. While advocacy groups define the issue through its constitutionality and its moral views represented by their constituents, politicians define the issue by party lines, generallyRead MoreThe Issue Of The Abortion1597 Words   |  7 PagesDefining the issue There are about 31 abortions per 100 live births in Canada: 330,000 live births and 100,000 abortions each year. Top reasons for getting an abortion are: relationship issues, financial issues, ‘not being ready’, emotional issues, birth control failure, and genetic reasons. The abortion rate has increased each year. History of the issue Canada is currently one of few nations where no legal restrictions on aboritons exist today. It has been 143 years since abortion was first criminalized

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Legislative Environment Corporate Governance Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Legislative Environment Corporate Governance. Answer: A company represents several interests, which include interests of the shareholders, consumers, employees, environment and the community. Therefore, they are required to act in good faith and in the best interest of the company including all these interests. After the enactment of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 in South Africa, it is quite apparent that the issues related to corporate governance are not merely regulate or governed by the Code of Best Practice, such issues are also dealt with under statutes (Rose and Sharfman 2015). The issues related to corporate social responsibility are more prominent in the Companies Act 2008 than in any other previous legislative acts in South Africa. President Jacob Zuma has signed the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment (FICA) bill into law that aims at combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism. He further stated that these amendments would lead to integrity and accountability in the South African financial system, which would enable the system to prevent financial crimes such as money laundering, tax evasion, illicit financial flow and financing of terrorism. It would also make it difficult for people who are engaged in illegal activities to hide behind legal bodies like trusts and shell companies. The measures shall enhance the due diligence requirements of the consumers to enable the entities comprehend the nature and potential risks that are posed by the customers. According to section 7(d) of the Companies Act 2008, the statute confirms that it purports to reiterate the concept of the company as a means of attaining social and economic benefits. According to section 7(d) of the Companies Act 2008, the statute confirms that it purports to reiterate the concept of the company as a means of attaining social and economic benefits (Tricker and Tricker 2015). From the above discussion I would like to say that those organisations who are under statutory obligation must comply with the same not as a legal obligation but as a matter of rights and protection. References Rose, P. and Sharfman, B.S., 2015. Shareholder Activism as a Corrective Mechanism in Corporate Governance. Tricker, R.B. and Tricker, R.I., 2015.Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. Oxford University Press, USA

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

McCarthyism and the Red Scare free essay sample

During this time period many people were extremely afraid of communism, so the ideals of McCarthy rose up. McCarty was named after Joseph McCarthy, who Was the Senator Of Wisconsin at the time. Joseph McCarthy actions, as well as The House Un-American Activities Committee, and Congress were not justified. It was breaking peoples Constitutional rights, ruining many peoples lives and careers, and because they interrogated hundreds and thousands of people who didnt even believe that communism should exist in our country.One of the main reasons to prove that the actions during the Red Scare werent justified was because it broke people constitutional rights. During a speech Senator Margaret Smith of Maine said this inspiring quote, The right o criticize; The right to hold unpopular beliefs; The right to protest; the right of independent thought. Now, to some this might just look like a list of rights an American has. We will write a custom essay sample on McCarthyism and the Red Scare or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But to many, this is an inspiring quote of the things great about America and the things that McCarthy, Congress, and the HIJACK attacked.This shows that McCarthy broke many of the rights that they as Americans had and deserved to keep. Another important reason why the actions of McCarthy werent justified was that they ruined many peoples lives and careers. One group collected and published the names of people in the world of the arts and entertainment thought to be UN-American in their politics (Picture seen in back). The most famous victims were able to successfully fight off such attacks, but Red Channels, radio stations, werent destroyed for many years.Red Channels reported on possible Communists and they faked information in order to keep their stations alive. These Channels ruined and/or harmed many peoples careers. The last major reason why all this was not justified is because they interrogated hundreds and thousands of innocent people who din t even believe that communism should exist in our country. Refusal to cooperate with the HIJACK could ruin careers. If a witness refused to testify about past political associations, relying on the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, the witness would be cited for contempt of Congress. The government would then prosecute the witness for criminal contempt of Congress. Some people were convicted and sent to federal prison for several years. Mysticism was not justified because it broke many constitutional rights, ruined peoples careers, and led to a state of panic throughout America. So next time your in a situation where you dont know what to do or what to say. Think about how it will affect others, not just yourself.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

There Are No Children Here Essays - There Are No Children Here, Gang

There Are No Children Here The West side of Chicago, Harlem, Watts, and almost any major city in the U.S., What do all of these areas have in common? These areas, along with many others have become mine fields for the explosive issues of race, values, and community responsibility, led by the plight of the urban underclass. Issues such as violent crime, social separation, welfare dependence, drug wars, and unemployment all play a major role in the plight of American inner-city life. Alex Kotlowitz's book; ?THERE ARE NO CHILDREN HERE?, confronts America's devastated urban life; a most painful issue in America. Kotlowitz traces the lives of two black boys; 10-year-old Lafayette, and 7 year old Pharaoh, as they struggle to beat the odds growing up in one of Chicago's worst housing projects. Their family includes a welfare dependent mother, an alcoholic-drug using father, an older sister, an older brother, and younger triplets. Kotlowitz describes the horrors of an ill-maintained housing project completely taken over by gangs, where murders and shootings are an everyday thing. He succeeds at putting a face on the people trapped inside the housing projects with virtually no hope of escape. One can truly feel a sense of great loss for the family, and a great deal of hope for the two young boys. You can truly feel yourself hoping that things will work out for them, and you can really feel like you know these young men on a personal basis. All through their lives Pharaoh and Lafayette are surrounded by violence and poverty. Their neighborhood had no banks, no public libraries no movie theatres, no skating rinks or bowling allies. Drug abuse was so rampant that the drug lords literally kept shop in an abandoned building in the projects, and shooting was everywhere. Also, there were no drug rehabilitation programs or centers to help combat the problem. Police feared going into the ghetto out of a fear for their own safety. The book follows Pharaoh and Lafayette over a two year period in which they struggle with school, attempt to resist the lure of gangs, mourn the death of close friends, and still find the courage to search for a quiet inner peace, that most people take for granted. Kotlowitz portrays what life is like at the bottom, and the little hope there is for the poor which makes it virtually impossible for the young lives in the ghetto to grow up. Also at the same time Kotlowitz wants the reader to know that not all hope is lost, but something must be done before hope is truly lost. The mother was portrayed as a woman who lacked self-esteem, and was not prepared to enter the job market. She had no skills, and was completely dependant on welfare. She also liked to gamble, and sometimes actually won. The biggest and most pervasive problem of the young children's lives was the dominance of the gangs at Henry Horner Homes. The gangs were dedicated to violence, and children were compelled to join for their own safety. The gangs in the Homes were of a retreatist sort, in that they focused mainly on drugs, and their gang related activities, and would use whatever force necessary to keep their activities afloat. Drugs were a part of the boys every day life, and brutal drugs wars surrounded their apartment. With the gangs so close to home, the children had a constant fear of death. The violence never let up. The children lost many friends to either drugs or the gangs. When they lost a friend, they felt sorrow for a while, but reality would set in, and they knew that it w as an every day part of their life. It was these feelings that made the Rivers children hesitant to get close to anyone. If they did not get close, they would not feel the loss as much. It made them feel that there was no way out, and death was their unyielding fate. Their feelings of loss also caused them to have a tremendous distrust in the police. In a way they looked to the police for guidance, but at the same time did not trust them. Residents of the homes

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Hazardous Lawns essays

Hazardous Lawns essays In Canada three out of every ten households use pesticides and almost half use chemical fertilizers (Ring, n.d.). Considering the vast number of households in the country the amount of chemicals that are seeping into our food and ground water is enormous. Pesticides have been linked to cause illnesses in people and wildlife. However, households continue to fertilize their lawns every spring to kill insects and weeds in order to obtain the perfect lawn. Pesticides are used to eliminate pests and designed to kill various species of weeds in our lawns. They are very effective at making or grass greener and less patchy. Typical pesticides include; insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and bacterial disinfectants. In Canada the most common pesticides at present are chlorphenoxy compounds which are used to kill broad leaved plants. The major ingredient is 2,4-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid and during manufacture other substances may be produced which contaminate the product, including dioxins such as tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. The second most common herbicide used in domestic situations is glyphosate When a pesticide is sprayed only 5% of the spray actually hits the targeted location. Movement from wind volatilization and leaching spreads the pesticide around. It could contaminate up to 30 homes in a residential area. A study suggests up to 3% of pesticides applied to lawns are tracked inside from feet walking over the sprayed area. Its difficult to document the level of pesticides in humans. Although humans are one race, people with different ethnic backgrounds could react differently to studies done on them. Most tests are done on genetically identical laboratory animals and then extrapolated to humans (Ring, n.d.). Glyphosate herbicide is an organic acid which can affect the function of the liver, kidney, skin, eyes, and can cause symptoms such as anorexia, vomiting, and muscle weakness. Pesticides have al ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Studio Portraiture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Studio Portraiture - Essay Example his or her appearance and mood rather than his or her environment. Portrait is far distinct from a snapshot for it shows someone in immobile state thus it can be termed as the best expression of a personality in photography. This explains why since the time immemorial, portraiture as an art ; painting, sculpture and photography, has been used in making impressions of great people such as kings , emperors and pharaohs among others. Moreover, it has been used in the same magnitude on important occasions like funerals weddings. Donnan (2004) claims that in political arenas, portraits are so important that it is deemed a symbol of national unity to have portraits of the head of state in important places. It is common that if a portrait of a certain personality is used too much it can lead to worship of that person either politically or in other ways like in the case of Stalin in Russia. Families have heightened demand on portraits to enjoy in commemoration of important events like weddin gs and birthdays among other various events. Portrait photography has developed since the time immemorial to become a vast and technologically sophisticated industry today. Studio portraiture has expanded creating many jobs and careers and the other hand developing talents. As technology advances so do the techniques of photography which makes the talents developed in studio portraiture to be taken far outside a housed studio (Donnan, 2004). Today's advancement in studio portraiture is solely due to digital formatting technology which is narrowed from electronic technology. Digital technology is the system controlled by digital circuits where electronic logic is transmitted discreetly using gates and flip-flops this is the opposite of analogue electronics whose systems continuously varies. Digital format is use of the said digital technology in a calculation or solving of a logical problem. Digital formatting has led to greater developments in photography techniques such as high key lighting. it has also led to development of digital cameras which are very efficient in studio portraiture. This study will be used to gauge by what ways change in studio portraiture to digital format has affected style and type of photography available today (Donnan, 2004). Problem Statement Gradual changes of portraiture brought about by technological advancement have been perceived to have brought about negative impacts to the society in terms of style as well as types of photography available today. Justification of the study. Since the discovery of portraiture as an art which through history, dates back several thousand years back, there has been a great revolution in the ways it is carried out and the outcome. The development in different techniques of portraiture has led to increased performance of portraiture as an art in satisfying the need of the user the drive of the artist. The emergence of portraiture industry has led to springing up of many studios in the recent times which have later developed as big film or photography companies; this implies large scale business which requires talents